Event Details


Thacher 101

Les invitamos a una sesión con la psicóloga María Jaramillo-Botero (Manager de servicios Latine de North Marin Community Services) y Berta Campos Anicetti (Directora de servicios Latine de North Marin Community Services). Nuestra intención es crear una sesión en la cual las familias que hablan español puedan compartir las experiencias de estudiantes y familias en escuelas privadas. Una y promotora (educadora de salud) darán la sesión y proveerán consejo profesional y herramientas para familias a medida que apoyan a sus adolescentes. Proporcionaremos comida. Por favor confirme su asistencia aquí.

Supporting our adolescents' mental health (MAPA Parent Education Event in Spanish)

Please join us for a session with María Jaramillo-Botero (Latine Services Manager, North Marin Community Services) and Berta Campos Anicetti (Retired Latine Services Director, North Marin Community Services). Our goal is to create a session in which Spanish-speaking families can share the experiences of students and families in private schools. The session will be led by a family therapist and health educator who will provide professional advice and tools for families as they support their children with their mental health. We will provide dinner. Please RSVP here.


Read More about Apoyando la Salud Mental de nuestr@s adolescentes (MAPA Parent Ed event in Spanish)